As a result of the investigation of their Jewish heritage that Chicago and Woodman undertook during the Holocaust Project, Chicago became interested in Jewish themes. Since then, she has created a number of works, including a series of prints based on a recent translation of the Song of Songs along with a number of Judaic ritual objects. These include designs for tallit bags; a unique matzoh cover celebrating the women associated with Passover; and a personal Haggadah for use by the Seder group that she and Woodman have participated in for over twenty years.
In 2010, an exhibition Judy Chicago/Jewish Identity opened at the Hebrew Union College Museum in New York, subsequently traveling to two other venues. Curated by Laura Kruger and Gail Levin, this was the first exhibit to examine Chicago’s work on Jewish themes.
More recently, Chicago was commissioned by the authors Faye and Jon Kellerman to create a china-painted Seder plate along with a painted and embroidered matzoh cover and afikomen bag.